Spring Cleaning While Social Distancing

Social Distancing is a reality for the next weeks.  Although it limits many actives it offers a great opportunity to address those things we put off. Cleaning the basement, minor house repairs and working on hobbies are a great kick off to the change of the season.

It is also a great opportunity to get organized and move forward with legal issues. Collecting past child support, filing for a Divorce, updating you Last Will and Testament, or discussing a Cohabitation Agreement are things we sometime put off.

If you are looking for legal advice or representation to help, we would be happy to help.

Negotiate to get what you want

Although there are commonalities between legal matter, every person and every situation is different.

What is important to one person may not be as important to someone else.  The best way to ensure that you walk away from a dispute with what is important to you is to negotiate a settlement, rather than going to Court.

Because the legal system tries to treat people equally, it may not address the uniqueness of your goals and interests.  We can help you to understand the types of outcomes that a court is likely to offer so that you can decide if a negotiated settlement is a better solution to your dispute